SyncToy 2.0 is a free Microsoft download utility for synchronizing, renaming, copying, deleting or moving files within folders, computers or in a nekwork. It only works with Windows OS (XP, Vista, etc.).
The number of stored files is increasing constantly since the users manage mobile phones, digital cameras, media players, emails, PDAs, iPods, laptops, desktop PCs, USB drives, networks, etc. all the files have to be managed correctly and as easy as possible to be able of control all the information they supply every moment.
It is necessary (more and more everyday) to transfer and synchronize all the storage locations for these files to be updated: manually, by draging and droping, sending via email or network, etc. or automatically by means of a reliable synchronizing tool like SyncToy.
This application is totally customizable and helps the users to do the hard job of keeping two folders synchronized, being these in the same computer, in different computers or even far away connected via network.
The program first asks for a pair of folders to be defined by the user, give a name to this pair, and later on it sets files in both folders to synchronize and update them, either between laptop and desktop computers, accross a local network, etc.
Any time, the user can delete the pair (the name and the connection, not the folders) and do stablish a new pair of folders for starting its operation. The application can manage may sets of folders, doing the necessary job in each pair: combine files, delete files, rename files, in each case, for making sure that desired changes have been done where needed. All the user reassignments will be detected by the program and correct whatever is necessary to keep action on.
Some files can be excluded of the actions taken, by the use of filters on file attributes as Read Only, Hidden, System, etc. Encrypted files on one side can be synchronized with unencrypted equivalent files.
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